Over the years, Dewey Goes Pink has raised nearly $1 MILLION for the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, and this year promises to be another huge success.
Whether you are a survivor yourself or know someone who is, this is a cause very near and dear to the hearts of many of our club's members. With that in mind, the DSPHC has committed to being a part of this year's Dewey Goes Pink event in TWO ways.
- As an official SPONSOR
- By walking as a TEAM
At our July Meeting + Social, we announced that we would make a $500 donation from the Club's budget as a low-level sponsor.
Thanks to very generous donations from several members,
we raised enough money to sponsor at the $1,000 level
before the meeting even ended.
(You all ROCK!)
As a sponsor, our club will be included on event T-Shirts and on the event website, as well as included in post-race advertising in local newspapers. That's great visibility for the DSPHC!
But let's not stop there! There are several ways YOU can help us contribute to the success of Dewey Goes Pink.
- Walk with us! Make a day of it with your Parrot Head friends as we walk and PARTY for a cure.
- Donate to our team! Whether you plan to join us on Oct. 8 or not, you can still make a difference by donating to our team on the registration site HERE, or by donating directly to the Club. Just let Jimmy know the money is for Dewey Goes Pink, and he'll earmark it for our final donation. When you get to the registration page, you can select "view teams" on the left side. Then enter, Pirates of the CUREibbean, and our team will come up. From there you can click on "join team" or "donate".
- Purchase a team shirt! Official DSPHC team shirts are available for purchase through Custom Ink HERE. In addition to buying your shirt, you'll be able to make a donation, too! The deadline to order shirts is August 28. You can choose free bulk shipping and we will have the shirts available for pick up at the Coast is Clear Picnic on September 17. Or you can have it shipped directly to you for $7.95.
Check out these awesome team shirts!

There are 3 choices to register:
1.5 mi. Non-competitive Walk ($40)
5K Run or 5K Walk ($40)
Guest Pass - Post Race Party ($25)
The race starts promptly at 11 a.m. on Saturday. We'll send out more details closer to the event date.
Got questions? Please reach out to a member of our DGP Committee or simply reply to this email!