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Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club

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The name of this organization shall be officially known as the Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club and shall be hereinafter referred to as "Club."


The purpose of the Club is to join together people of similar interests to participate in a variety of environmental and community services, and to provide a variety of social activities for the membership.


  1. Classes:
    a. Individual (annual rate of $20.00)
    b. Couple (annual rate of $30.00)
    c. Parakeet (age 17 and under) (annual rate of $10.00)
    d. Honorary (dues waived in lieu of contributions to the Club) - Honorary memberships must be approved by the Board

  2. Qualifications:
    This Club is open to anyone who is willing to pay the dues, has an interest in the philosophy of Parrot Heads and who is willing to participate in a variety of environmental and community causes.

Membership Year: Term of the membership year shall begin on January 1 and run until December 31 of that year. Dues for new members are modified during the 2nd half of the year as follows: 
  • Jan – June: Full membership price
  • July  September: Dues are 50% off if paid cash/check (Individual = $10, Couple = $15) and pro-rated by month online
  • October – December: Full price but membership will be extended to Dec 31 of the next calendar year
  1. Dues: 
    Dues will be set by the Board of Directors for the different classes of membership.

    All dues are due on January 1
    st of each year, and are payable upon notice from the treasurer. If a membership payment is not received by March 1st that membership will be considered to be inactive, and that membership will no longer be considered to be in good standing. If the dues are then paid after March 1st, it shall take one year for that membership to regain the status of a member in good standing, and to be eligible for concert tickets, to vote in the annual election, or to run for office. Members re-joining after March 1st will also lose their seniority in the club.

  2. Participation In Events/Points:
    An individual must be a member in good standing (membership dues paid on time) in order to be eligible for concert tickets or other Club benefits.

    Club participation points are earned through meeting attendance, involvement in service projects, and serving as an officer or board member. Attendance to a meeting translates one (1) point. Each service project is one (1) point. Officers will receive two (2) extra points per year and Board members will receive one (1) extra point per year.

    If a member misses more than half a meeting, there will be no points given. If a member misses more than half of the service project, no point will be given.

    Age 0 thru 12: Not eligible to purchase a club ticket to a concert.
    Age 13 and above: If eligible, can purchase tickets to a concert with parental permission, and if at least one parent is accompanying said “Keet”.
    “Keet” reward system: At “keet-friendly” service projects, those 0 – 12 keets will earn a “keet-point”. After earning 2 “keet-points”, they will receive a $10.00 gift certificate to a local business, determined by the Board.

    Liability Waiver:

    All club members who attend a meeting, event, or participate in a service project must sign-in. The sign-in sheet will have a liability waiver printed at the top and any member not signing in will not receive the points for that project, event, or meeting.

  3. Expulsion of Members:
    Club members may be expelled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors for conduct unbecoming a member which affects the Club or for not following the rules and regulations set forth in the bylaws of the Club.


  1. Composition Of the Board:
    The board of directors shall be composed of members in good standing and will consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and 5 other directors who shall each assume a function, separate and apart from actual directorship of the Club.

  2. Duties Of Officers:
    a. The President:
    The President will preside over all meetings, and be responsible for all duties, which normally pertain to the office. The president will be granted the powers that are commonly associated with the office such as the authority to call special meetings and the power to appoint various committees, etc. The President shall also be the designated contact person between the Club and Parrot Heads in Paradise.

    b. The Vice-President:
    The Vice-President shall assist the president and will take over the President’s duties if the president is not in attendance at meetings or Club functions. The Vice-President shall be in charge of coordinating any committees that are formed and keep the President informed on committee affairs. The Vice-President will also be the chairperson for “Boat Drinks Bacchanal”, the annual club fundraiser. The Vice-President will also be in charge of coordinating all club events and social activities. He/she will work with the Board in planning all club functions and community service activities. The Vice-President will also be in charge of notifying the local media of all Club events and functions.

    c. The Secretary:
    The Secretary shall take the minutes for all general and Board of Directors meetings. The Secretary will also be in charge of summarizing the topics discussed and decisions made and sending newsletters, email notifications, and social media posts as needed to provide timely information about news, events, and activities, to all members in good standing. He/She will assist in maintaining the membership list, website, and other social media outlets.

    d. The Treasurer:
    The Treasurer will be responsible and held accountable for all club funds and bank accounts. Because we are a 501(c)3, the treasurer is responsible for writing and detailed annual budget and submitting all required tax paperwork. It is the duty of the treasurer to be able to provide updates to the membership at its monthly meetings if requested and prepare a report for the newsletter. The Treasurer shall also submit his/her books and records for audit when requested by the Board. The Treasurer must obtain approval from at least two members of the Board of Directors before a check is written for any amount over $200.00.

    e. Membership/Welcoming Director:
    Will be responsible for welcoming all new members with a welcome email and/or note and new membership card. He/She will also greet new and prospective new members at meetings and social events. He/she is responsible for sending out membership cards and making sure the membership list is up-to-date.

    f. Community Service Director:
    He/She will be responsible for organizing all the environmental and community service projects. He/She will be at the coordinated activities or make sure there is a representative present to maintain the sign-in sheet and coordinate the members. He/She will coordinate with the proper state and local officials and/or organizations for each project.
    g. Directors At Large:
    The Directors at Large shall represent the interests of the Club in general and assist in any way deemed necessary by the Board.


  1. Election Of Board Of Directors:
    Results of elections for officers and board members will be announced at the November general meeting. Officers and Directors will assume office on January 1 of the following year. A nominating committee will be appointed by the president at the regular September meeting. This committee will present the nominees at the regular October meeting. Elections will be done by online ballot if needed. A simple majority of those ballots received before the November meeting will elect. All online ballots must be submitted by the determined date announced at the meeting in order to be counted.

  2. Terms Of Office:
    All members of the Board of Directors, including officers, shall be elected for a two (2) year term, to be elected in a yearly general election, determined by the Board. The Board will set the time and the date of the November general meeting on or before the August general meeting and it will be announced in the Club newsletter no later than September.

  3. Qualification For Election To The Board Of Directors:
    To run for an office on the Board of Directors, a member must be in good standing and must have been a member for a minimum of six (6) months.


  1. General Membership Meetings
    a.  General meetings of the membership will be held once a month at a date and time designated by the Board.
    b. Ten (10) percent of the membership in good standing, taken to the next whole number, shall constitute a quorum for the transactions of business at any meeting provided a minimum of three (3) members of the Board of Directors are present.

  2. Board Of Directors Meetings
    a. Board of Directors meetings may be called at any time by the President. A simple majority of the Board is required to conduct business, providing the President or Vice-President is present.

  3. Duties Of The Board
    a. It shall be the duty of the Board to execute the policies and purposes of the Club, as may be expressed in the Articles of Incorporation and these By-laws.
    b. Any officer or Board member that fails to uphold his/her office can be removed from the Board of Directors by a majority vote of the remaining Board members.
    c. Any officer or Board member who fails to attend three regular monthly meetings in succession can be removed from office by a majority vote of the remaining Board members.
    d. In the event of death, resignation, loss of good standing, or removal of a member of the Board of Directors, the remaining members of the Board shall appoint a member in good standing to fill the remaining term of that Board member.


The Board of Directors shall appoint any committees as they deem necessary. The head of each committee will report to the Vice President with all information and progress made by the committee.


The Board of Directors shall have the power and authority to adopt and amend the by-laws.

Amendment I
Club Ticket Distribution:
Club Tickets will be offered to those members in good standing.

If there is a higher request than available tickets, members with the highest number of participation points will have the first option of purchase. In the case of a tie, the member with the most seniority in the club will have the first option to purchase the ticket. In case of a further tie, the member with the most points from the previous year will have the option to purchase the ticket and after that, it goes alphabetically.

If a member receives a ticket, and cannot attend the concert, that ticket MUST be turned back in to the club to be offered to the next person in line on the qualified list, and if no-one else is able to use that ticket, the member is still liable to pay for that ticket.

If a member violates this policy, that member will lose his/her ticket privilege for the following year.

Club tickets can ONLY be used by eligible Parrot Head Club members. It is a violation of PHIP rules to give, or sell a club ticket to anyone other than an eligible member of a Parrot Head Club. Violations of this rule can mean not only the loss of our PHIP charter, but could result in the loss of ticket privileges for all of the Parrot Head clubs in the country.

Amendment II
Board of Directors Elections:
Nomination requests for Board of Director members will be announced in the October Newsletter with all nominations to be brought to the October meeting or submitted electronically prior to the November meeting. Ballots will be sent electronically following nominations and club members will be required to submit ballots one (1) week before the November meeting. A simple majority of those ballots received before the November meeting will elect. If only one (1) individual is nominated per office a show of hands will be taken at the November meeting for election.

Amendment III
Election Terms:
Officers shall be elected for two (2) year terms beginning on January 1st. Officers terms will be staggered in order to maintain continuity on the Board of Directors, with the President's and Treasurer's terms beginning January 1st, in even years and Vice President’s and Secretary's terms beginning January 1st, in odd years.

Bylaws revised: January 2005
Bylaws revised: January 2006
Bylaws revised: December 2009
Bylaws revised: September 2011
Bylaws revised: November 2015
Bylaws revised: October 2022

Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club (DSPHC)
PO Box 273
Nassau, DE 19969

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